Sunday, July 24, 2011

Casey Anthony

Good evening reader(s),

I should have written about this long ago but since I just started this and yet the story still won't go away I want to at least put out a few words in on the subject of the Casey Anthony trial.  Here are those words:

Casey Anthony murdered/killed her child.

Now a few more in light of Casey's release:

I don't think any rational person could disagree based on the case presented by the media that Casey did not have any involvement in her child's death.  However, we, the public, are granted the privilege of making decisions based on evidence that may or may not be admitted by the courts.  This is normally a good thing....the ultimate crime is to imprison an innocent person of a crime he/she did not commit.  Our system is based on this concept and it needs to be treasured.  That being said, I admire the courage the jurors displayed in presenting the verdict that they did (I doubt I could have done it).  The real crime remains that the prosecution was unable to convict because all they could do was present circumstantial evidence.

Ok, maybe I'm being harsh....but when one of your key forensic witnesses is capturing odors and analyzing them, you might want to rethink your strategy.  I also need to ask the following question; many times I've heard witnesses (not just this case) talk about a smell that seemed to be that of a dead body.  Just how many dead bodies have you smelled?

I think that it might have been possible that Caylee's death was truly an accident.  Chloroform, as the prosecution accused was researched, is not typically used as a lethal poison, but as a way to subdue a target.  If Casey was the party animal we were made to believe she was,would it be improbable that an accidental death ensued when she tried to incapacitate the girl?  I don't think would be a great crime, however I don't think it would be premeditated murder

We all know that no matter the circumstances of little Caylee's death (which should continued to be pursued), Casey is a god damned liar, and apparently a good one.  Maybe she was the circumstance of an effed up upbringing that saw her being molested as a child as the defense wanted to claim, that's certainly no excuse to not report the accidental death (as the defense would have us believe) of a child.  I certainly don't know much PA state law and even less of FL state law, but one would think that a mother who doesn't report a missing child should be, at the least, convicted of child abuse/neglect....I don't know how she dodged that charge.

Despite the court of public opinion, I must ultimately agree with the decision of the jury in this case.  I most especially agreed with the juror who stated that it made it sick to their stomach to come to a not guilty plea despite having seen the circumstantial evidence, but realizing they had a job to do based on our that my hat is off.  Again, I think a greater crime is to imprison an innocent person, and she may be innocent of first degree murder.

Casey may not have been punished in our courts (other than the weak ass charge of lying which she got time served), but take comfort that she has been villianized in the public eye and, worse yet, alienated from her family.  I can't help but see her living a tortured life.  Hopefully states will begin passing the Caylee's Law requiring parents to report missing children, which is pretty sad that a law like that would need to be passed.  Although, it does little for Caylee....

Don't forget her

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